102 research outputs found

    Differences in neural recovery from acute stress between cortisol responders and non-responders

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    Adaptive recovery from a stressor fosters resilience. So far, however, few studies have examined brain functional connectivity in the aftermath of stress, with inconsistent results reported. Focusing on the immediate recovery from psychosocial stress, the current study compared amygdala resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) before and immediately after psychosocial stress between cortisol responders and non-responders. Differences between groups were expected for amygdala RSFC with regions involved in down-regulation of the physiological stress response, emotion regulation, and memory consolidation. Eighty-six healthy participants (36 males/50 females) underwent a social stress paradigm inside the MRI scanner. Before and immediately after stress, resting-state (RS) fMRI scans were acquired to determine amygdala RSFC. Next, changes in connectivity from pre- to post-stress were compared between cortisol responders and non-responders. Responders demonstrated a cortisol increase, higher negative affect, and decreased heart rate variability (HRV) in response to stress compared to non-responders. A significant Sex-by-Responder-by-Time interaction was found between the bilateral amygdala and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and precuneus (p < 0.05, corrected). As males were also more likely to show a cortisol increase to the stress task than females, follow-up analyses were conducted for both sexes separately. Whereas no difference was observed between female responders and non-responders, male non-responders showed an increase in FC after stress between the bilateral amygdala and the PCC and precuneus (p < 0.05, corrected). The increased coupling of the amygdala with the PCC/precuneus, a core component of the default mode network (DMN), might indicate an increased engagement of the amygdala within the DMN directly after stress in non-responders. Although this study was carried out in healthy participants, and the results likely reflect normal variations in the neural response to stress, understanding the mechanisms that underlie these variations could prove beneficial in revealing neural markers that promote resilience to stress-related disorders

    Impact of Long‐Term Alcohol Consumption and Relapse on Genome‐Wide DNA Methylation Changes in Alcohol‐Dependent Subjects: A Longitudinal Study

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    Background: Genetic factors play an important role in the development and maintenance of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Significant and widespread differences in methylation levels of multiple regions within the genome have been reported between AUD patients and healthy controls in large epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs). Also, within patient populations, methylation changes over time (both during and after withdrawal) have been identified as sensitive indicators for disease activity. The detection of changes in methylation levels is a powerful tool to further explore and understand the biological correlates and underpinnings of AUD. Although there is strong and convincing evidence for differences in methylation of various sites between AUD patients and controls, only few studies assessed changes within patients over longer periods of time while taking into account alcohol consumption, relapse, and abstinence. So far, the longest period assessed as a within-subject design using EWASs was 4 weeks. Methods: Here, we investigated changes in whole-genome methylation levels within a sample of 69 detoxified AUD patients over a period as long as 12 months for the first time, comparing patients that relapsed within the follow-up period to those that remained abstinent. Results: Whole-genome methylation patterns of individual CpG sites over time did not differ between abstinent and relapsing patients. However, there was a negative association between global mean methylation at the 12-month follow-up and alcohol consumption within our sample. Conclusion: Although the present study represents the largest study of methylation levels in a sample of AUD patients with a follow-up period of 1 year and accounting for alcohol consumption and relapse to date, the sample size might still not be large enough to detect genome-wide significant effects. Therefore, large-scale, long-term studies with AUD subjects are needed to determine the utility of DNA methylation for the assessment and monitoring of persons with alcohol use disorders

    Whole brain resting-state analysis reveals decreased functional connectivity in major depression

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    Recently, both increases and decreases in resting-state functional connectivity have been found in major depression. However, these studies only assessed functional connectivity within a specific network or between a few regions of interest, while comorbidity and use of medication was not always controlled for. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate whole-brain functional connectivity, unbiased by a priori definition of regions or networks of interest, in medication-free depressive patients without comorbidity. We analyzed resting-state fMRI data of 19 medication-free patients with a recent diagnosis of major depression (within six months before inclusion) and no comorbidity, and 19 age- and gender-matched controls. Independent component analysis was employed on the concatenated data sets of all participants. Thirteen functionally relevant networks were identified, describing the entire study sample. Next, individual representations of the networks were created using a dual regression method. Statistical inference was subsequently done on these spatial maps using voxelwise permutation tests. Abnormal functional connectivity was found within three resting-state networks in depression: 1) decreased bilateral amygdala and left anterior insula connectivity in an affective network, 2) reduced connectivity of the left frontal pole in a network associated with attention and working memory, and 3) decreased bilateral lingual gyrus connectivity within ventromedial visual regions. None of these effects were associated with symptom severity or grey matter density. We found abnormal resting-state functional connectivity not previously associated with major depression, which might relate to abnormal affect regulation and mild cognitive deficits, both associated with the symptomatology of the disorder

    A multimodal neuroimaging classifier for alcohol dependence

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    With progress in magnetic resonance imaging technology and a broader dissemination of state-of-the-art imaging facilities, the acquisition of multiple neuroimaging modalities is becoming increasingly feasible. One particular hope associated with multimodal neuroimaging is the development of reliable data-driven diagnostic classifiers for psychiatric disorders, yet previous studies have often failed to find a benefit of combining multiple modalities. As a psychiatric disorder with established neurobiological effects at several levels of description, alcohol dependence is particularly well-suited for multimodal classification. To this aim, we developed a multimodal classification scheme and applied it to a rich neuroimaging battery (structural, functional task-based and functional resting-state data) collected in a matched sample of alcohol-dependent patients (N = 119) and controls (N = 97). We found that our classification scheme yielded 79.3% diagnostic accuracy, which outperformed the strongest individual modality - grey-matter density - by 2.7%. We found that this moderate benefit of multimodal classification depended on a number of critical design choices: a procedure to select optimal modality-specific classifiers, a fine-grained ensemble prediction based on cross-modal weight matrices and continuous classifier decision values. We conclude that the combination of multiple neuroimaging modalities is able to moderately improve the accuracy of machine-learning-based diagnostic classification in alcohol dependence

    A multimodal neuroimaging classifier for alcohol dependence

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    With progress in magnetic resonance imaging technology and a broader dissemination of state-of-the-art imaging facilities, the acquisition of multiple neuroimaging modalities is becoming increasingly feasible. One particular hope associated with multimodal neuroimaging is the development of reliable data-driven diagnostic classifiers for psychiatric disorders, yet previous studies have often failed to find a benefit of combining multiple modalities. As a psychiatric disorder with established neurobiological effects at several levels of description, alcohol dependence is particularly well-suited for multimodal classification. To this aim, we developed a multimodal classification scheme and applied it to a rich neuroimaging battery (structural, functional task-based and functional resting-state data) collected in a matched sample of alcohol-dependent patients (N = 119) and controls (N = 97). We found that our classification scheme yielded 79.3% diagnostic accuracy, which outperformed the strongest individual modality - grey-matter density - by 2.7%. We found that this moderate benefit of multimodal classification depended on a number of critical design choices: a procedure to select optimal modality-specific classifiers, a fine-grained ensemble prediction based on cross-modal weight matrices and continuous classifier decision values. We conclude that the combination of multiple neuroimaging modalities is able to moderately improve the accuracy of machine-learning-based diagnostic classification in alcohol dependence

    A fast and intuitive method for calculating dynamic network reconfiguration and node flexibility

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    Dynamic interactions between brain regions, either during rest or performance of cognitive tasks, have been studied extensively using a wide variance of methods. Although some of these methods allow elegant mathematical interpretations of the data, they can easily become computationally expensive or difficult to interpret and compare between subjects or groups. Here, we propose an intuitive and computationally efficient method to measure dynamic reconfiguration of brain regions, also termed flexibility. Our flexibility measure is defined in relation to an a-priori set of biologically plausible brain modules (or networks) and does not rely on a stochastic data-driven module estimation, which, in turn, minimizes computational burden. The change of affiliation of brain regions over time with respect to these a-priori template modules is used as an indicator of brain network flexibility. We demonstrate that our proposed method yields highly similar patterns of whole-brain network reconfiguration (i.e., flexibility) during a working memory task as compared to a previous study that uses a data-driven, but computationally more expensive method. This result illustrates that the use of a fixed modular framework allows for valid, yet more efficient estimation of whole-brain flexibility, while the method additionally supports more fine-grained (e.g. node and group of nodes scale) flexibility analyses restricted to biologically plausible brain networks

    Value-modulated attentional capture in reward and punishment contexts, attentional control, and their relationship with psychopathology

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    Attentional bias towards rewards has been extensively studied in both healthy and clinical populations. Several studies have shown an association between reward value-modulated attentional capture (VMAC) and greater substance use. However, less is known about the association between these VMAC effects and internalizing symptoms. Moreover, while VMAC effects have also been found in punishment contexts, the association between punishment VMAC and psychopathology has not been studied so far. In the present two-part preregistered study, we adapted a novel VMAC task to also include a punishment context and examined associations with internalizing symptoms and substance use. Our results showed consistent VMAC effects in reward contexts across two separate studies. Attentional capture was stronger for distractors associated with high rewards than for low rewards. We replicated and extended previous findings by showing such VMAC effects in a substantially shorter task that also included alternating punishment blocks. Contrary to our expectations, we found no VMAC effects in punishment contexts and no direct associations between VMAC and symptom measures. Our results speak to the feasibility of assessing VMAC effects using a scalable and short behavioral online task, but the relationship with the development of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology remains uncertain.</p

    Value-modulated attentional capture in reward and punishment contexts, attentional control, and their relationship with psychopathology

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    Attentional bias towards rewards has been extensively studied in both healthy and clinical populations. Several studies have shown an association between reward value-modulated attentional capture (VMAC) and greater substance use. However, less is known about the association between these VMAC effects and internalizing symptoms. Moreover, while VMAC effects have also been found in punishment contexts, the association between punishment VMAC and psychopathology has not been studied so far. In the present two-part preregistered study, we adapted a novel VMAC task to also include a punishment context and examined associations with internalizing symptoms and substance use. Our results showed consistent VMAC effects in reward contexts across two separate studies. Attentional capture was stronger for distractors associated with high rewards than for low rewards. We replicated and extended previous findings by showing such VMAC effects in a substantially shorter task that also included alternating punishment blocks. Contrary to our expectations, we found no VMAC effects in punishment contexts and no direct associations between VMAC and symptom measures. Our results speak to the feasibility of assessing VMAC effects using a scalable and short behavioral online task, but the relationship with the development of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology remains uncertain.</p

    Chronotype is associated with psychological well-being depending on the composition of the study sample

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    Past studies examining the effect of chronotype and social jetlag on psychological well-being have been inconsistent so far. Here, we recruited participants from the general population and enquired about their natural sleeping behavior, sleep quality, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress. Partial correlations were computed between sleep variables and indicators of psychological well-being, controlling for age and sex. Less sleep during work days was found a good indicator for impairments in psychological well-being. In exploratory follow-up analyses, the same correlations were calculated within groups of early, intermediate, and late chronotype. We observed that the composition of the sample in terms of chronotype influenced whether associations between sleep variables and psychological well-being could be observed, a finding that is advised to be taken into account in future studies.Peer Reviewe